I help school leaders make time for their own wellness so they can be the leaders their students deserve.
- Julie Allen, Founder

Do you ever find that your to-do list is LONGER at the end of the day than when you started?
Imagine instead clearing off your desk at the end of the day, closing your laptop and heading off to meet up with a friend before heading home for dinner.
Hi, I’m Julie!
I spent the first decade of my career doing all the work so that everything would go perfectly and I could feel in control. I skipped meals to get more done, ground my teeth while I slept, and finally started having panic attacks from the stress. At my wits end, I turned to the brain science behind leadership and mindfulness, and discovered time-tested tools and strategies that can work for anyone to make sure you’re using your team's strengths to accomplish goals- not just doing it all yourself!
I help school leaders make time for their own wellness so they can be the leaders their students deserve.
Deep impact and a life outside of work is only a few steps away!
Try a free 20-minute consultation and learn more about what we can do together!
At the end of our session, I'll recommend individualized actions and resources for the challenges you currently face.
Some of our partners:

"Leadership Coaching has provided a neutral sounding board for problem solving. Education is heart work. Julie helps me zoom out and focus on the facts to solve problems and honor my strengths to celebrate successes."

- Kamilyah Hardaway, M.Ed.
Director of Personalized Learning, The Anchor School
"Julie provides me a framework for solving problems, whether productive or related to my my teaming, etc. that I can't always see from my perspective. She reminds me of my strengths and why I think or respond the way I do, which helps me to see situations with increased objectivity. She also gives me tools and ideas around how to achieve a goal I have, in order to feel successful within my position and role."

- Christina Gonzalez
Director of Special Education, Tapestry Charter School
"Through Julie's coaching I have learned how to be more reflective while developing a more zoomed out view of school goals and team strengths to develop our path forward. Julie provides a direct but supportive approach that gets to the heart of where you want to see growth and how to achieve that goal."

- Sharonda Frazier Director of Special Projects at International Community School