Julie's Mindful Leader Blog

The Best Professional Development Bang for your Buck

The Best Professional Development Bang for your Buck

Monday, May 13, 2024

In schools and nonprofits, we're always trying to stretch a dollar as far as we can. The reality is that resources are limited, and we have to get creative!

And at at the same time, the best leaders take their own development and the development of their teams seriously. They are always thinking about how to grow the capacity of their teammates and how to become the best leaders they can be.

So, amidst the sea of professional development opportunities out there and with a limited budget, how do you decide which opportunities will give you the best bang for your buck?

Here's what to look for:

1. Job-specific - PD should be tailored for specific roles or specific types of leaders. For example, principals and assistant principals need drastically different types of support and skill-building. PD should not be generic for "school leaders."

2. Ongoing - PD should be spiraled over time so that there is time and space to practice skill building, reflect on progress, and be intentional about going deeper on fewer essential skills as opposed to trying to cover everything in the whole wide world. One-off sessions may have a catchy title or impressive keynote speaker, but the likelihood of real long-term learning and behavior change are pretty slim. Invest in recurring sessions to make sure skills are cemented.

3. Cohort-based - Learning happens between people in safe relationships. We know this is true for students, but it's equally as true for adults. Cohort-based PD allow participants to build connections between each other as humans and layer trust over time. This allows for increased vulnerability. Participants become comfortable asking and offering help on the trickiest of topics and feel emotionally supported with the heavy work of leading in education.

4. Cost-effective - The best PD doesn't have to break the bank. Yes, courses from prestigious universities and big-box corporations are extremely costly. School funds should be used smartly to direct as much as possible to students, while also balancing the PD needs of staff. Group coaching opportunities like Masterminds offer a low cost for the hours of development and level of support provided. 

Wait a minute- this is a great list, but how do I find PS that meets all these criteria?!

I'll make it easy for you: Join a Mindful Leader Coaching Mastermind!

Learn more about these job-specific, ongoing, cohort-based peer learning groups for the 2024-25 school year.

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